Lightening the load

Mental illness affects men, women and children of all ages, races, and income levels. It is also a “quiet” issue that flies under most people’s radar until there’s a heartbreaking news story. Thankfully, many of these stories never happen in our community because Concord is here to help lift the darkness of despair.

From psychiatry to counseling

Concord’s services range from community support for people with severe mental disabilities to drug and alcohol abuse treatment to counseling for those experiencing grief, stress, depression and anxiety caused by life’s intermittent ups and downs. Monitoring is ongoing and we create a treatment plan to help clients meet goals and review progress.

If you, or someone you know, needs mental health treatment:

Please make an appointment for an assessment by a therapist who may see you or refer you to counseling, a psychiatrist, or a group. One of the keys to our success is our focus on helping individuals discover and develop their own strengths through:

  • Psychiatric and medical services
  • Drug and alcohol treatment
  • Individual and family counseling
  • Specialized services for children, teens and young adults
  • Assistance for seniors
  • Suicide prevention
  • Support, skill-building and therapy groups
  • Community Support Services